

Recently, I’ve come to learn that the limits that I thought I was confined to did not exist outside of my own mind. I’ve learnt to exit my comfort zone, challenge my own way of thinking and embrace change. Anyone who knows me well will tell you that “embracing change” has never been a strong point for me.

With all the change embracing and self discovery, I have had to also work to align my priorities so that every aspect of my life receives the appropriate amount of attention along the way. The “something’s gotta give” mentality is absolutely untrue if you can find a healthy state of equilibrium across the board. You shouldn’t have to make sacrifices if you manage your time and your life effectively. Here are five ways you can take control and find your balance:

Delete the Drama – Negativity is catching, and always has the means to sew that seed of doubt  in your mind about your capabilities to achieve a certain goal. Purging the toxic relationships in your life are key to finding your balance. Whether the perniciousness is radiating from a person, or whether it comes from your tendency to overeat while under pressure in turn making you feel lethargic or regretful because the “diet was supposed to start today”, it needs to stop. Taking control of the influences you allow in your life in both empowering and vital to achieving balance.

Get Up Early – I know, I know. Gross. Especially now that winter is creeping in, pressing the snooze button that extra (six) times is incredibly tempting, but by starting your day this way, you are inviting productivity and positivity into your day right from the outset. I get up early, so I can get to work earlier which is mutually beneficial to myself, my employer and my partner. I have an extra half hour to hour every day before anyone else gets into the office which is my most productive time of the day. It means that I can leave earlier and spend time at home with my family, and I have more time at one end of the day to get other stuff done. Whether you choose to use this time to exercise before work, or like me, use the time you gain at the other end of the day to exercise or do housework, or hey, go to bed a little earlier because you’ve hit your daily goals, making getting up the next day a little easier, making this a habit will allow balance to follow organically.

Don’t Be Afraid to Put You First – This point may seem a little contradictory to what I said about the “something’s gotta give” mentality, but stick with me. We all reach a point where we’ve had enough and the only logical step is to go home, put on our pyjamas, have waffles for dinner and watch a Disney movie (or maybe that’s just me?) but silly you made plans to go out with friends. It’s OK to be honest and tell them that all you can fathom is <insert ideal veg-out scenario here>. Your friends (if they are good ones like mine) will appreciate the honesty and that you didn’t feel the need to lie about having to go and feed your second cousin’s boyfriends sisters goldfish or something equally ridiculous. And you might even find that they are a little inspired by your epic lazy girl plans and share a running commentary of their equally lazy evening with you. Plus, your future self will thank you for cutting you a break.

Make Time to Tidy – I cannot stress the importance of having tidy surroundings. Some people try and justify having a messy workspace or house etc as being conducive to creativity and productivity. How can you honestly say that you can be productive when it takes you 5 mins just to find that email that you printed out and wrote all those notes on, let alone to action it. Structure is important. Making lists of your daily tasks, and creating piles in order of importance will help you get more done because you won’t feel overwhelmed. It also encourages you to work on tasks ONE BY ONE instead of getting lost in sixteen different things all at once and not finishing any of them.

Don’t Forget to BREATHE – Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and start again. Even just allowing yourself 10 seconds to gather yourself and your thoughts can make the world of difference.

Anything is possible if you can find a balance, it takes time, and persistence, but in the end it is the biggest stepping stone to achieving your goals. Balance breeds happiness. Balance is key.

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